verification button does not appear on blogspot

i realize when mas yuan notify to me via chatbox, that the verification button on my blog is does not appear, like the following picture:

and i try to searching at google, and i finally found the article which discusses about these problem. there are several ways to handle these problem. just folow the following steps:

If we as the visitor
1. press the tab button for a several times, until the submit button is appear.
2. for those who have a scroll mouse it can be clicked. click and move the mouse down, until the submit button is appear.

If we as the owners
1. login first, then click design--> Edit HTML
2. and click checkbox Expand Template Widget
3. and then search the following code:

<iframe allowtransparency='true' class='blogger-iframe-colorize' frameborder='0' height='275' id='comment-editor' scrolling='no' src='' width='100%'/>

4. change these script "scrolling='no' " to be " scrolling='yes' " and will be like the following code:

<iframe allowtransparency='true' class='blogger-iframe-colorize' frameborder='0' height='275' id='comment-editor' scrolling='yes' src='' width='100%'/>

5. and the result will be like the following picture:

i'm still learn english language, please corrected...

how to increase facebook security

oke just follow the following steps:
login with your facebook account, and then selected on account setting, then would be seen like the following picture:
and then click 'change' would be seen like the following picture:
checked all The option and then click the save button.

and then logout from your facebook account and login again, and then you will be requestd to fill the name of your computer you used to loginand click the continue button. that will be sent on your email.
NB; i'm still learn english language. please corrected..

remove a foto from a friend on facebook

for facebook users, must already know, that every friends on our facebook can send a photo to our account, and it's to be our photo in photo list on facebook and our friends on facebook is can looked that photo too.
well, in here i will writing how to remove that photo, just follow the following steps:
1. click a photo from a friends, and then would be seen like the following picture:

2. and then, the under photo must be seen our account has been marked from the others account, and beside our account, there must be link"delete tag" click that, and that photo must be gone in our photo list on our facebook.

nb: i'm still learn english language, please corrected..

SMS Via Gmail

good news those who have a google account, because google has been released free sms service via Gmail, but for this moment this is only for Telkomsel and Indosat, for 50 sms/day, if all sms is run out in one day, then will be reload for next day.
well. just follow how to use the following:
1. login with gmail account, and then look on the menu will form a service sms like the following picture:
2. click that sms service and then will requested to insert which telephone number will be sent a message.
3. if have insert a telephone number, press enter button on keyboard, and then will be appear dialog like the following picture:
4. on that dialog please insert the name for number which have insert before and insert to location and type, and then click the save button, that must be show dialog like the following picture:
5. on that dialog insert which message will be sent a message, and then press enter button on keyboard to send the message

nb : still learn english, please corrected.. thank's^.^